TRAIN SERVICE AND FARES TO YOSEMITE VALLEY xxxxx F. P. Gregson, Traffic Manager of Associated Jobbers of Los Angeles, forwarded to this office some data with reference to the round-trip fares from Los Angeles to Yosemite Valley, also a complaint against the passenger train service between same points xxxxx The subject was taken up with the traffic departments of the Southern Pacific, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and the Yosemite Valley Railroad, but without results; all of the lines maintaining that the charges were reasonable and could not be reduced and that the train service was satisfactory to the traveling public. xxxxx Mr. Gregson was notified that, inasmuch as the transportation companies refused to offer any informal adjustment, it would be necessary that he file formal proceedings should he wish to bring the matter to a definite conclusion.
LOSS AND DAMAGE CLAIM xxxxx S. J. Sill Company, Berkeley, California, wrote with reference to a loss and damage claim against the Yosemite Valley Railroad Company. xxxxx Complainant was advised that the Public Utilities Act did not authorize the Commission to adjust loss and damage claims.