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A Statement about my railroad interests
Clayton J. Guest

Guest Coat of Arms         One of my many interests is the steam era of American railroading. To be more precise my real interest is in Central California railroads in the counties of Mariposa and Merced. My favorite is the long gone Yosemite Valley Railroad Company / Railway Company. The other railroads in those counties were/are: The Southern Pacific Company, The Central Pacific, The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway, The San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad, The Yosemite Lumber Company, The Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Company, The Merced Mining Company, Yosemite - Portland Cement Company, The Tidewater & Southern Railway Company, The Tidewater & Southern Transit Company. Also, any railroad related to the Yosemite National Park.

        I am a collector of any and all items, including photographs, ephemera, timetables, employ and public, postcards, and hardware from the Yosemite Valley Railroad / Railway. If anyone knows of or has anything of the afore noted for sale or trade, I would be most interested in being contacted.

         I have done extensive research of the Y.V.R.R. and some day hope to include that research in a thesis covering the railroads in Merced and Mariposa counties.

         I also collect the same types of 'goodies' from the other noted railroads. One could say I am a railroad junk collector.

         I seem to spend a fair amount of time reading any railroad books about west coast roads and especially logging railroads that used the geared locomotives.

Membership in the following railroad societies:

  • California State Railroad Museum - Engineer.
  • Feather River Shortline Railroad - Master Mechanic.
  • Feather River Rail Society.
  • The Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Inc.
    (National and Northern California)
  • Railroad Publications:

  • Before Construction of the Yosemite Valley Railroad
    Merced County Historical Society FOR THE RECORD
    Volume II - Issue 2 Second Quarter 1993
  • Speeches History of the Y.V.R.R
  • Consulted and shared information authors regarding the Y.V.R.R in particular and railroads in general..
  • Contributed photographs for books on Yosemite Valley and Merced city and county.
  • Edited several published documents regarding railroad.
  • Other Interests:
  • Yosemite Valley and the National Park
  • Walking and Hiking
  • Periodically participate in the Fun Run-Walks in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • San Francisco Forty-Niner Fan.
  • Enjoy listening to Classical Brass and Military Bands

  • To anyone viewing this page:

            As a collector of Yosemite Valley Railroad 'stuff' and always looking more items for my collection. If you know of anyone who has Yosemite Valley Railroad, Yosemite Valley Railway, Yosemite Lumber Company, Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Company, Yosemite Transportation Company, Del Portal Hotel, Big Trees Auto Stages, or Yosemite Portland Cement Company items for sale or trade please feel free to contact me. Items of interest are brochures, tickets, passes, photographs, picture post cards, tokens, advertisements, menus, time tables (employ or public), stocks, bonds, lamps, locks, etcetera, etcetera.

            I have Employ Time Tables, Public Time Tables, Tickets, etc to trade.

    Email icon.         If you are interested in trading or selling -- send me e-mail by "clicking" on the adjacent "Mail" icon.

    Thank you,

    My True Fellings
    The American's Creed

               "I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

               "I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obay its laws, to respect its flag, and defend it against all enemies."

    William Tyle Page penned this creed on April 13, 1918 and it still applies today.

    Statements I Believe

               "There is no justification for taking away individuals' freedom in the guise of public safety."

    Thomas Jefferson

               "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."

    Sigund Freud

               "When only cops have guns, it's called a 'police state.'  "

    Claire Wolfe
    The 'Old Man' and Caboose #15 at El Portal
    El Portal - YVRR Caboose #15 and Author

    If you have problems with this site - please feel free to send e-mail!